Obligatory post: why I switched to Vivaldi

I used to be an Opera user (since version 10), and what I loved the most about it besides being able to customize pretty much everything, was its beautiful mail and news client. I kept using Opera 12 for some time after it was killed and replaced by a browser with the same name but less features, but then it stopped being able to load some SSL websites, new web technologies emerged and my old Opera 12 couldn’t handle them. Everything was looking more and more broken.

Before becoming an Opera user I gave Firefox a try, so naturally that was what I started using after my old Opera stopped working with a big part of the web I regularly visit, and for some time it was fine. However, a new problem emerged, my hardware was getting old and Firefox was getting slower with every new update. I tried Chrome, the new Opera, Firefox again, several obscure browsers and nothing seemed to work well and satisfy my needs at the same time. Some time ago Firefox Quantum was released and it came with a small performance increase, but it wasn’t (and still isn’t) big enough to let me use it in my old computer.

I remembered that I had read about a browser made by some ex Opera employees and I decided to give it a try. To my surprise it was fast as Chrome (unfortunately it also uses as much memory as Chrome) and it had many of the features I missed from the old Opera I used to use. It still doesn’t feel as good, featureful or easily customizable as my favorite Opera version (10.63) but it seems to get better with every small update that is released. So I decided to stick with it, I’ve been using it for a month and I am very happy with it.

I also found an unexpected and wonderful surprise, what was once the wonderful My Opera community is now here and I feel at home again. And we’ve got everything from the forum to the email service and the blogs! There’s only one thing I miss, the wonderful blog ran by the user Tamil, this old copy remains on the web, thanks to him I learned how to customize Opera.

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